Saturday, September 15, 2012

Day 16 – Baddeck, A Visit with Alexander and Mabel

Today we took a drive to the quiet village of Baddeck on an inner shore of the great Bras d’Or Lake.  A well known landmark is the picturesque lighthouse on Kidston Island.  

We visited the Alexander Graham Bell Museum which exhibits the many scientific contributions invented by Bell.  Although he is best known for his invention of the telephone, his genius carried him much further into scientific research than most people realize.  He made important contributions to the fields of medicine, aeronautics, marine engineering and genetics.  He also carried out extensive research in the areas of electricity, sound, and speech.  Of all his interests the one that Bell himself identified as being closest to his heart was his interest in improving the teaching of the deaf.
Baddeck Lighthouse

Alexander Graham Bell Museum

Bell's hydrofoil

A view of Baddeck Bay
Insert photos:  415,417,418,422

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