Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 22 - Leaving Prince Edward Island

We apologize for the lack of a blog post yesterday but we arrived back at our B & B late because we went to see the musical Anne of Green Gables.  The musical was very well done and we enjoyed it very much.   

Thursday morning we left Prince Edward Island for home.  Although different from Nova Scotia, PEI is very beautiful and we enjoyed the rolling farmlands and scenic beaches with their magnificent dunes.  By the way, for you trivia buffs, we forgot to mention that PEI with a population of 140,000 is Canada’s most densely populated province.  Remember that if you are ever on Jeopardy.  When we arrived on the island we came by ferry from Nova Scotia.  The ferry ride to the island was free of charge.  However, the catch is that you need to pay a toll to leave PEI.  Leaving the island we took the Confederation Bridge to New Brunswick.  The toll was $44.25 (Canadian).  The 9 mile Confederation Bridge joins Borden-Carleton, PEI and Cape Jourimain, New Brunswick and is the longest bridge over ice-covered waters in the world.  The bridge is 34 ft. wide and carries 2 lanes of traffic.  The speed limit is 50 MPH and takes approximately 10 minutes to cross.  Passing is not permitted.  

Approaching the bridge from PEI

Driving onto the bridge

Approaching New Brunswick

Last view of the bridge from New Brunswick

 We arrived back in the states yesterday and spent the night in Portland, ME.  We arrived home safely this afternoon completing our adventure of over 3,800 miles. 

  Wherever I wander, wherever I roam………....................

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