Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 3 Exploring the Bay of Fundy

Parrsboro is the largest town on the Minas Basin and is home of the world’s highest tides.  Even though it’s really a very small town it is the major tourist centre on the Glooscap Trail with parks, museums, beaches, scenic drives and hikes. 

Main Street, Parrsboro

This morning we visited Ottawa House By-The-Sea Museum and then walked the rocky beach (tide was out) to Partridge Island where we hiked to the top of the trail to the Look-off tower with an awesome view of Cape Split which is on the other side of the Minas Basin.  

Partridge Island from beach

view from look-out

Looking down on Ottawa House and beach

Golf course with a view of Partridge Island

This afternoon we visited the town pier at high tide which we saw last night at low tide.  It is amazing to see the difference in the tide levels.  The beaches on this side of the basin are all little rocks where agate, amethyst, fossils and minerals are yours to pick up.

Parrsboro Light house--tide is in

Tide is out

tide out

We also visited the Fundy Geological Museum and learned about the drifting continents, changing climates, Coal Age forests and the Dawn of Dinosaurs.  It was interesting to identify some of the rocks, fossils and minerals of the Bay of Fundy.

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